Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We Have a Winner!

Mary Ann Tipple, Completed Kantha-stitched block
Mary Ann Tipple, Detail
Mary Ann Tipple, Detail

We have a winner!
Second block is done and a third is almost there as well. We are on our way to a really successful piece.  We will show all those naysayers!
Mary Ann Tipple's block is pictured here.  She certainly did a great job of working the blue stitching off the blind. 
Barbara Schneider's block will be right behind.  Can't wait to see it. Can't wait to see who will be next.
Will we have more 'incentives' to get them done?
Happy New Year!

Well done Mary Ann.
p.s. I'll check my goodie-box to see whether I have something to offer as the next incentive!
Yeah!- Christine

Comments? Anyone? Feel free to share your thoughts. 

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